Friday, 26 December 2014

Boxing Day wishes

Good morning to you all

As this posts, I will be in the kitchen creating a mega meal for Boxing Day Dinner with the full family.......................Matt will be outside fingers crossed cooking the butterflied lamb on the BBQ, so will let you know soon how it all went...................

But here for you today is another of my Christmas Fair makes

I would like to say a  warm welcome to my new followers, and I would like to thank all of my wonderful visitors who take the time to leave me such inspirational and kind comments, and this then allows me to hop on over and visit you in return.

Hugs and Enjoy Your Day


Anonymous said...

Morning Kate hope you had a lovely day yesterday. Fabulous card love the CAS on this. Enjoy the meal and day with the family xx

KarinsArtScrap said...

super beautiful Kate
Gr Karin

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Happy Boxing Day Kate, and good lunch!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Ooops... Good Dinner, not lunch! :-)

KraftyKoolKat said...

This is so cute Kate. Happy Boxing Day to you, I hope the meal has gone okay.

thecraftycavalier said...

Love the simplicity of this one Kate, just stunning. Great image and love the CAS layout. Hugs, Jayne

Catherine said...

This is soooo adorable Kate ! This image is too cute ! Love it ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

cotnob said...

A fabulous CAS design and adorable image Kate.
I hope you had a wonderful day with your family.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Such a cute card, hipe you had a good day x

Pia S said...

Cute CAS design, great choice of sentiment with this image!

Lynsey said...

Hi Kate hope your Boxing Day went well! Love your sweet card!
Hugs Lynsey x

Debs cards said...

Evening Kate what a beautiful card it's really classy.
I hope you have had a wonderful
Boxing Day Lunch ands you say you were going to have BBQ well here we've got snow and it's cold.
Take care

Debs xxx

Sandra H said...

So pretty Kate is your card and image l'm looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations and l hope you enjoyed your Boxing day meal xxx

Bad Kitty said...

cute card

Dr Sonia S V said...

Oh how cute they are!!
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts Kids Projects

Yvette said...

What a beautiful CAS card. Love it!

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Kate I've so enjoyed popping in on your blog this year and seeing your crafty adventures! Today, I'm popping in to wish you a Happy New Year hunny and also to invite you to join in a 'one off' little challenge I'm running on my blog. It's a 'Top 12 of 2014' challenge. So a fun way to showcase your gorgeous crafty skills of the past year and be in to win a lil' blog candy too. Hope you'll come join in. Big hugs, Wends xxx (

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