Tuesday 22 May 2012

Paper Lily Wedding Anniversary Flower Arrangement

Good morning to you in the land of blog

No snippet today looked daft as a slice :)

Today I can show you what took my son, several days to make and me several more hours to put together, all because....................................

I wanted a unique 1st Wedding Anniversary Present for a very dear friend and her husband.

I have to warn you that this post is photo heavy and you may need a beverage now before you start.

So here goes

My son created almost 20 white airbrushed squares into 20 beautiful origami lilies
I added stems and greenery.  Placed them in a decorated old sweetie jar
and voilĂ 

I added some sprigs of gems from Wild Orchid Crafts

Some little Cheery Lynn butterflies

A good old ribbon and bow

A Wild Rose sentiment

A new Cheery Lynn flourish (from Grimsby Crafts) cut into sections.

Sprayed with Glitter


Added some pearl flourishes and the odd little rose, with some pink bling around the top of the jar and some bling pebbles in the jar.

Didn't Mike do well, of course he bargained a price from me for each lily created, but well worth the cost, don't you think?

I would like to thank all of my wonderful visitors who take the time to leave me such inspirational and kind comments, and this then allows me to hop on over and visit you in return.

I would like to enter this creation into the following challenges

Hooked on Craft - Flowers
Make it Monday - Anything Goes
The Shabby Tea Room - Photo inspirational and dimensional flowers
OSATT - Anything Goes
Pan Pastel - Pastel Colours
Paper Sundaes - Pretty in Pink
The Ribbon Girl - Pink and Cream
Digi Design - Show us that bling
My Sheri Crafts - Wedding / Anniversary
One Stop Craft - Spring Wedding/Anniversary
Sugar Creek Hollow - Swirls and Pearls
Card Makin Mamas - May Flowers
Delicious Doodles - Try Something New
Delightful Challenge - Add a Ribbon

enjoy the rest of your day


Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow, this is stunning. I am in awe of anyone who can create something this beautiful.

KarinsArtScrap said...

wow kate beautiful made.love the orchids.
great design.

greetings karin

Chrissy said...

Stunning Kate, really beautifully done, love the colours..and a pat on the back to your son too..


Doreen said...

Wow this is such a lovely arrangement.xxx

Squirrel x said...

OMG!! How beautiful Kate, wow hun, these are soooooooo amazing, they look real! Wish I had just a tiny fraction of your talent. Hugs Sxx

Lisa Jane said...

oh wow he certainly did do well.. they look so pretty
Lisa x

susie said...

This is absolutley amazing - definitly worth all the hours of effort. What a wonderful gift. xx

tilly said...

congratulations to both of you.... a stunning display from a joint effort!

Helen said...

WOW....what more can I say xxx

Catherine said...

This is so pretty....

CLaire said...

Kate this is gorgeous.... she will love it.... well done to you both...Saw this on Make it Monday and also in my blog reading list....lovely CLaire x

Misty's said...

Hi Kate
This was really worth of very minute you spend on it. It is Spectacular. You are so lucky that you had your son to help you. That's a very unique anniversary present and one that will last. Who needs real flowers when one can makes paper ones to last eternity.... almost. Love it. Now send your son to mine. I have got my father's day card to make and need help too, when I come to think of it the Sun is out and the front lawn is not soaked so he could do a bit of grass cutting too, just in case he got bored in his breaks (LOL)
Michaela and DP xx

Feikje said...

What a beautifull bouquet, Kate! Very nice decorating.

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers and vase Kate, love it what a great idea! Jo xxx

McCrafty's Cards said...

Wow Kate, these look fantastic, must have taken ages to do, I like the decoration on the glass
Kevin xx

amanda stokes said...

Hi Kate,
Wow what a gorgeous gift!
well done to you and your son :) x

sam21ski said...

LOL @ Mike bargaining a price for each Lily!!!

Looks wonderful, hope they like it

Sam xxx

Sonia said...

Wow wonderful flowers composition!!
You are a super creative at 360° :)
Big hug and thanks for your email.

Crafty Loops said...

Wow Kate, you and your son did an incredible job. What a stunning gift. Lee x

KraftyKoolKat said...

This is awesome Kate. So there is more than you talented and creative in your family. Is this the same son that I asked for you to send to me to cook my meal not so long ago?


Sandra H said...

Hi Kate, Absolutley outstandingly beautiful!! xx

Migdalia said...

Absolutely Amazing!Gorgeous!Beautiful!

mags said...

Stunning Kate. Such patience and creativity you have (and your son too).

coops said...

woe this is fantastic kate.the flowers are so beautiful and i love all your pretty details and sparkle ;D

xx coops xx

Lynsey said...

Wow Kate what a wonderful creation!
Hugs Lynsey x

Ribbon Girl said...

Wonderful bouquet! So pretty, thank you for joining in with our colour challenge Kate, Mary G x

Ribbon Girl said...

sorry, should also have added that your son must have much patience to make all of those origami lillies! Well done to him too! Mary G x

Josephine said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Thanks for joining us at One Stitch at a Time this week, and good luck!

Curly said...

Your crafty abilities bow me away, how gorgeous ar these, they would look so lovely sitting in my window sil in my craft room:0))
Have a lovely evening,
Hugs Bridget :0) x

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Kate - this is stupendous and I can only envy your friend who will receive this gift. Your son obviously takes after you in the crafty talent stakes!


Karen x

angelwhispers said...

Well together you have created your friends the most beautiful display of flowers ever just gorgeous and so unique! Chanelle xx

Tammy said...

Wow Kate! Absolutely gorgeous! How lucky you are to share your hobby with your son!

Starr said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you played along at The Shabby Tea Room so I could see this beautiful creation! Your friend will be amazed, what great detail. It's a stunning creation!

Claire said...

Gorgeous project, those lilies are just stunning and all the embellies make is a really special pressie for your friend. Thanks for joining us at PanPastel UK this week
Claire xx

Velvet said...

I love lilies so perhaps I'm biased...but your son is so talented! Those flowers are just gorgeous!

I love the "vintage" feel to the beautiful little vase you've crafted for them, and the butterfly is such a perfect touch. I saw this on MIM (I'm there getting inspiration for my own just-started blog!) and it's so different from most of the other entries. You have a lovely eye for detail - the finished effect is almost pseudo-Victorian. :-)

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for having information about cyber-bullying on your page, too. While I've never been bullied online, I was terribly bullied in the past and have been known to be rather outspoken for the cause in adulthood. We need people to know they can talk about it, that it's NOT their fault, and that there's help available. x

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

This is just stunningly beautiful and both you and your son have made a work of art. Thanks so much for joining us at Card Makin' Mamas for our Add Flowers Challenge however our challenge is for cards only. Hugs Susan x

Anonymous said...

just gorgeous thanks for joining in at sch

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Oh wow! This is absolutely stunning, what a unique and clever project with so many beautiful details, love it. Thank you for joining in with the PanPastel challenge blog
Lindsay xx
P.S this would also fit perfectly in to the LEJ Designs anything but a card theme xx

kassa said...

How different, how beautiful. Your friend is very lucky.

Glenda said...

Beautiful bouquet of flowers! Love all the pretty details! Great job!
Thanks for sharing with us at My Sheri Crafts!

happyscrapper said...

This is stunning. Thanks for joining us at Delightful Sketches.
Christine Dt at Delightful Sketches

ladyjanet_56 said...

Wow well done Mike didn't he do well big pat on the back & you didn't do bad either, it looks great but I'm wondering what you're going to come up with next, it looks fantastic. Hugs Janet

Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous bouquet :-)

thanks for entering the Simon Says Stamp DT call and Good Luck :-)

Lols x x x

gina g said...

Gorgeous creation love the colours, beautiful work. Thanks for joining us at the OSCC this week. luv gina xx

Karen P said...

absolutely fabulous! hugs karen x

Heather said...

How cool that your son helped by making those flowers!! Love all the swirls of pearls you added. Thank you for joining us at Sugar Creek Hollow

Wilma Z said...

Wow, stunning, beautiful project. Thanks for joining us at Di's Digi.

Jayne A said...

Stunning creation.
Thanks for joining us this week at paper Sundaes

Raquel said...

Gorgeous center piece. Wonderful job with the paper lilies. Thanks for sharing this with My Sheri Crafts

Holly Young said...

absolutely STUNNING!!!!!!

Thanks for joining us at SCH this week!

Holly SCH DT

Julies Crafty Creations said...

Great arrangement! Thanks for joining in with our Anything Goes challenge over at OSAAT and good luck Julie x

Kelly said...

This is a stunning creation Kate! I adore your origami flowers and all the details you have put in!
Thanks for joining us at Hooked On Craft Challenges.
Hugs, Kelly xxx

Karen said...

Just WOW hun!
Absolutely stunning..
I'm so happy that you joined us this week with your lovely creation!

Hugs Krafty Karen - DT for Make It Monday.

purple_pea_fran said...

Wow! Those flowers are amazing! Thanks for sharing with us at The Shabby Tearoom.

Kelly Schelske said...

What a fantastic bouquet!

Thank you for playing along with us at Di's Digis!

Hugs, Kelly

febe said...

Pretty awesome in purple :)

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