Friday 22 January 2010

Help - I only have 20 Followers but where are they ???????????????????


really silly question, or it may not be......................... over night my followers have dissappeared.  Has this happened to any one else????

Can you see the followers (I can see the word, not the pictures)

Do we know what the problem is or how can we fix this????

Hope someone has a really easy answer

hugs kate x


sam21ski said...

Hiya Kate

Sorry no idea xxxx

Hope you find them again soon

sam21ski said...

BTW You still come up on my dashboard, so you can't of completely lost them, they've just disappeared from your blog

Paper Paradise said...

Don't panic Kate they will come back. It's happened to me a couple of times. Try refreshing the page, if not give them time to re appear, if not, shout HELP! xxx

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