Sunday 24 January 2010

WinterWonderland Magnolia meets copics xmas card

Good evening to all of my followers, including my new lady, your back, it is such a relief.  

If you are wondering how or why, well could be one of two things.  I use Mozilla Firefox and it had recently had an update.  So I installed the newest version, this did not appear to help, so I then decided to restore the computer back to new years day, whoop whoop that worked and hello to you all.  Thank you for those of you who let me know that you could see them.

Went out for tea last night with a lovely group of people and really enjoyed ourselves again.  Returned to the house watched a couple of really good movies and pigged out on a large box of Ferrero  Collection. 

Today popped out to get the pup her tins of meat and some more treats and came home with a new toaster, another storage stack unit and a small sewing machine :)))))))) can't wait to play.

So shall be having tea shortly but thought I would post this before I do.  (Sam, just in case you were worried) This is this weeks Xmas card and I am entering this into a great site for reminding us to get on with our Xmas creations.

So here is the card

The papers are MME, good old nesties, liquid pearls, my favorite magnolia stamp for Xmas to date, the lace from Boy's and if you look close although it is not as deep as I think the sketch required it to be, I think they look like Xmas trees and bling swirls from Hobby House. 

A close up of the image and the floral embellishment

A close up of the sentiment and more florals

and for Sue and Polly, this is what I bought from Ruitong in Bridlington, (a porcupine), will try use it soon.

Well off to watch Dancing on Ice and chill (pardon the pun) out.

Take care of each other and happy crafting

hugs Kate x


Joey said...

Hiya Kate

gosh this is beautiful, your colour combo is gorgeous and those flowers look to pretty, love what you have done with the sketch! Thanks for joining us this week at ww

Sue said...

Hi Kate
beautiful card great take on the sketch, luv your colour combo, lovely image with great colouring, luv the flowers. Thank you for joining us at Winter Wonder Land, sue,x

sam21ski said...

Love your card Kate

Glad your followers have re-appeared xxx

Danielle said...

Very pretty card Kate - I love the colours together and of course Tilda & Edwin are super cute! Great details and fab take on the sketch! Thanks for joining us at Winter Wonderland this week!
Hugs, Danielle

Powerful Search Engine said...

Hi Kate I absolutely adore this I love how you have coloured and presented this it is fabulous. Thanks so much for joining us at WW this week. Hugs Pascale

Anne said...

Gorgeous colouring and gorgeous card! I love your take on the sketch too! Thanks for playing with us at WW! :o) xx

Lynda said...

Absolutely gorgeous card - thanks for joining in with Winter Wonderland.

Lynda xxx

Unknown said...

Utterly Gorgeous, card, I love everything about it, the colour, the papers the image, Dancing on Ice too, had to wait until this morning for the results show, as grandson has to go to bed at I have tried not to look at papers or daytime you have a favourite yet?....thanks for joining us at WW this week. Hugs Avril xxx

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