Sunday 3 January 2010

Xmas Cards for 2010

Hi all

Get me, keeping my word, and have today made two xmas cards for next year.  We will see how long this lasts.

The first one I am entering for

Here it is meeting the requirements of the sketch and buttoning it as required.  This is one of next years xmas cards, using some lovely glitter paper and the sentiment from the Justrite collection.  I used the cuttlebug to cut out the sentiment and also its frill.  I added the ribbon and placed a large button, which I had tied with gold thread and attached a little gold bell. I used glossy accents to raise the cut out sentiment and then glittered it up to match the paper.

The card

and the close up of the button detail

and the 2nd one into the Winter Wonderland Challenge a colour combo of cinamon, cherry and lime  - this is a new blog land for me and I look forward to keeping up with each challenge to fill my xmas list.

After finding this site I just had to meet the challenge and of course get another of next years xmas cards out the way.  This was quite a difficult colour combo, not in the lime and cherry but in the cinamon.  I have no dark browny/red papers as such, so had to use a little lighter brown one (mental note for self, buy some unusual coloured cards and papers) Also cinamon itself is light brown, but the colour spectrum selects it as a browny/red.  I used a Mo Manning stamp and copics - my favourite colouring medium by far these days.  I used some liquid applique for the fur on the clothes and also as snow on the floral array with some ice stickles on top to give the snow glitz.

So here is the card

the close up of the snow covered flowers

and the ever important close up of the coloured image using the copics.

Ok, xmas is finally over back to work tomorrow, if you are back at work too (I know how you are feeling right now)

Well take care and thanks for looking at my creations and for your kind comments

Hugs Kate x


Joey said...

Hi Kate

oh how I love this image, it is for sure on my hit list! lol. Your colourwork on it is gorgeous, love the little touches you added.

Thanks for joining us this week at ww

Unknown said...

They are both very pretty! Thanks for playing at The Pixie Cottage.

Sheri Gilson said...

Great cards!! Great job with this weeks challenge!! Thanks for playing along with us at TPE!!


sam21ski said...

Hi Kate

Well done on keeping to your word, but it is only the 3rd!!!!!

Hope work goes down ok tomorrow, I'm back then too

Take care - Sam xxxx

Trudi said...

Cute cards Kate! I like that little bell on the one and the flowers on the other one. Thanks for playing along with us this week at TPE

Anonymous said...

Lovely job, thank you so much for joining our challenge at the Pixie Cottage

The Dolphin Inn said...

Great idea starting the xmas cards early this year, I hope to do he same ( well in theory lol) hope ywork goes well, I have another week yet, but have lots to do at home, take care Kate XXX

Powerful Search Engine said...

Hi Kate I love that Mo Manning Image and your layout is great. Thanks for joining us at WW this week hugs Pascale

LORi said...

Hi Kate...Love your lovely creations...Crazy 4 that Green Paper on your TPE card!! So happy you joined us at TPE this week!!

Hugs - LORi

Unknown said...

Katie, great card, and if you stick with us at Winter Wonderland, you will do your Xmas cards for next year...LOL. thanks for joining us this week. Hugs Avril xxxx

Teri said...

Just gorgeous! What a lovely image!

Thank you for joining us at Winter Wonderland.

Teri xx

Paper Paradise said...

WHY am I not as organised? I'm still up to my kneck in DDA stuff. Mind you, men at work again now, so hopefully I'll get there. If not I'll be hiring you by the hour to do it for me, lol. xxx

Lynda said...

These are beautiful cards and I really love the image on the 2nd one. The snow effect is brilliant. Thanks for joining in with us at Winter Wonderland.

Lynda xxx

Anne said...

Your card is great! Thansk for playing with us at the Pixie Cottage!


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